Life is going to the BEARS!

The Build A Bear line is PERFECT for the Young and Young at Heart!  It's amazing as you dress these bears you feel young again, it's like an instant time machine that reverts you back, just for a little while, the days when you were 10 years old, playing...

Trinity Book Cover Fundraiser a SUCCESS!

With over 421 books to be covered and over $800.00 in proceeds the PTO of Trinity Lutheran school is pleased with the turn out of the book covering fundraiser and the benefits the students will benefit from this fundraiser.  Parents were thrilled and so are the...

Trinity PTO Fundraiser – Book Cover Service

Have you ever had to cover your childs books for school?   It can be a very tedious task, but no more!!!  The PTO of Trinity Lutheran Chuch and School in Utica Michigan has decided to offer parents the opportunity to cover their childs books for...

A Fun & Easy Way to Decorate a Paint Can!

Did you know you can Use Our Decor Elements on any FLAT surface?  It's true!  Below is a picture of Decor Elements and the Button Boquet that I applied to decorate this paint can.  The paint can was empty, and never held paint.  I use...